
The art of the photographic portrait


There is something so special about a great portrait, the moment that is frozen, the insight into the subject, the light. When thinking about the portraits I would like to achieve in Fiji, I am drawing inspiration from so many photographers, here are a few:

Mauricio Holc - So visually lush, the beautiful green foliage in the background, the colourful clothing, the moment, so much to love about this image and the series.

Aletheia Casey - Aletheia has the incredible ability with her portraits to reveal her subjects soul, her portraits are so emotive. It was really hard for me to pick a favourite portrait of Aletheia’s I am drawn to all of them, particularly her portraits of her mother. But this portrait was my first in the flesh encounter with Aletheia’s work. This Portrait Prize exhibition came to the Blue Mountains Cultural Centre, I loved this image and this was how I discovered Aletheia’s work. So this image, again a beautiful light, background and such a beautiful representation of childhood. You can see more of Aletheia’s work here

Karlina Mitchell